Paul Pinho's Article in Health and Fitness

452 Aftercare Procedures for Dental Implant Treatment
Once you've decided that dental implants in Melbourne are correct for you, you might be anxious about the day of the operation.
Posted on May-13-2021

387 Food Diets to Follow After Removing Wisdom Teeth
After care procedures followed after wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne is critical in aiding the healing process and avoiding complications.
Posted on May-07-2021

691 Tooth Pain – Causes and Treatment
Anyone who had experienced tooth pain will tell you how painful it was. No one would want to experience toothache.
Posted on Mar-14-2021

504 Impacts of Crooked Teeth and How to Correct It
Crooked teeth can wreak havoc on your dental health if left untreated. Yes, misaligned or crooked teeth can cause several dental complications.
Posted on Mar-13-2021

483 How Much Does It Cost To Extract A Wisdom Tooth?
This is one of the most common questions patients ask when they walk into a dental clinic to treat their wisdom teeth.
Posted on Mar-08-2021

804 Here’s What You Need to Know about Dental Implants
Dental implants are nothing new. They have been used for teeth replacement for several decades. However, some are still relatively unfamiliar with this treatment.
Posted on Mar-01-2021

477 Wisdom Teeth-Know More about It
Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that we get in our early twenties.
Posted on Feb-10-2021

657 Invisible Braces Maintenance Tips 101
Yes, your invisible braces will blend into the colour of your teeth! So, it is essential to maintain it clean and white.
Posted on Jan-24-2021

539 What Are The Factors That Affecting The Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost In Melbourne?
Are you planning to extract your impacted wisdom teeth, but worried about the wisdom teeth removal cost Melbourne, and wondering is the dollar we spend is worth?
Posted on Jan-24-2021

641 Unknown Facts about Dental Implants
Dental implants in Melbourne are a permanent solution for tooth replacement that offers many benefits to patients who have them.
Posted on Jan-24-2021

461 Invisible Braces: What are the Advantages?
Your smile and teeth are a crucial part of your overall look. Misaligned and crooked teeth not only affect how you look but also how well you can clean your teeth.
Posted on Jan-02-2021

459 Reasons to Choose No Gap Dentists for Wisdom Teeth Removal In Melbourne
Although you probably do not remember teething as a baby, the arrival of your wisdom teeth can remind you of what toddlers suffer through tender gums, aching teeth and pain.
Posted on Jan-02-2021

532 Dental Implant after Surgery 101
Dental implants are an effective solution for missing teeth, which can replace a single tooth, a row of teeth, or an entire set of upper and lower jaw teeth.
Posted on Jan-02-2021

576 Factors Affecting the Success Rate of Dental Implants
Many of the dental patients who hear that they need dental implants are delighted to learn about the success rate of this state-of-the-art tooth replacement procedure.
Posted on Nov-23-2020

811 How long will my Dental Implants last?
Dental implants are an exceptional long-term tooth restoration choice, but how long do they last, is the question here. The answer is for a lifetime. Still, few factors can alter your implants life. These factors depend mainly on the patient’s dental hygiene and lifestyle.
Posted on Sep-30-2020

594 Can I Have My Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
If you keep your impacted wisdom teeth, then you are likely to experience a lot of dental problems like tooth pain, teeth shifting, crowding, dental decay, and gum disease.
Posted on Jul-21-2020

689 How Dental Implants Can Help Preserve Your Jawbone
While dental implants are the most popular choice for replacing a missing tooth, some are still relatively unfamiliar with this treatment. If you are missing one or more teeth and want to restore your smile, there is no better option than dental implants in Melbourne.
Posted on Jul-10-2020

621 What Happens If You Have A Tooth Pulled And Don't Replace It?
Missing teeth is common, especially by the age of 50 due to injury, tooth decay or gum disease. This teeth loss does not only affect your external appearance but also damages your oral health. Moreover, if you have lost a tooth located at the front or backside of the mouth, these spaces can affect your bite force to a greater extent.
Posted on May-22-2020

573 What to do and what not to after Wisdom teeth Extraction
Are you getting your wisdom teeth removed?
Posted on Apr-20-2020

630 Dental implants for a beautiful smile to make a lasting impression!
Despite so many advancements in dental care, millions of people around the world experience tooth loss due to injuries, periodontal disease, or tooth decay.
Posted on Apr-08-2020

559 How to Overcome Dental Anxiety before Your Dental Implants Procedure?
Getting ready for a dental surgery can cause nervousness in many patients. No matter how good the oral surgeon is at performing dental implants Melbourne, some patients always remain nervous. However, dental implants are a great option to replace missing tooth.
Posted on Mar-02-2020

611 What should you know about Wisdom Teeth?
Extraction of wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure.
Posted on Feb-06-2020

579 Tips to help your Dental Implants last longer!
If you think dental implant technology is new, you might be wrong.
Posted on Feb-03-2020

629 When to get your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Wisdom teeth usually erupt during early adulthood or the late teen between 18 and 24 years of age. As these are the last set of adult series to come in, there will not be sufficient space for proper alignment for growth.
Posted on Jan-13-2020

654 Why should you not ignore missing Teeth?
Sometimes people tend to ignore their missing teeth. This is because they do not feel the necessity to replace a missing tooth, which is not visible when they smile. Ignoring your missing tooth for a long time can result in serious dental problems.
Posted on Jan-10-2020